Tomorrow is Crazy Hair and Crazy Clothes Day. Just a reminder that on Thursday, Costume Day, students need to wear their costume to school in the morning. Any other accessories need to be school appropriate and assembled in the morning when leaving for school.
Parents from 4th and 5th grade classes may visit the Living Wax Museum in the cafeteria on Friday from 8:45-9:15.
Tuesday is Go for the Gold (and Blue) Day!! Wear your Blue and Gold !
This is Red Ribbon Spirit Week!
Upcoming Events:
October 26th 4-7 Parent Teacher Conference (in person by appointment) There are no drop-ins due to COVID. You must schedule with your teacher.
October 28th Fall Festival Costume Parade 1:45
October 28th PTA 6:00 on Teams
October 29th Living Wax Museum
Tomorrow, October 18th, we will have our "Be a Star" Positive Behavior Reward. Students who received 80% positive Class Dojo points, may dress as their favorite movie star, walk our own Flatwoods Red Carpet, and enjoy a short movie in their classroom.
September Students of the Month
PreK - Maeleigh S.
Kindergarten - Salix S.
1st - Avery L.
2nd - Brady P.
3rd - Korbyn P.
4th Arambula - Bailee M.
4th Skiles - Kenzlea S.
5th Quynn L.
Flatwoods Falcon's has a new Facebook page. We will be deleting the old Facebook Group soon. Please like the new page to help stay updated on things going on at Flatwoods Elementary!
*No flavor packets are allowed with water bottles. Please bring water bottles empty to school, to protect our laptops.
*October 14th Fire Department visits Flatwoods Elementary
*October 15th Report Cards Go Home
*3:15 is Parent Pick-up. Bus Dismissal begins at 3:30. Please be prompt when picking up your child.
Congratulations to the Soaring Falcons Student Leadership Team and Classroom Representatives!
Monday October, 11th is a Professional Learning Day for staff. There is no school for students. Have a great weekend!
Congratulations to the Flatwoods Elementary Staff Person of the Month: Mrs. Michelle Shreve!
Good Luck Leadership Team Candidates@
Good luck Leadership Team Candidates!
Good luck Leadership Team Candidates!
Good luck Leadership Team Candidates!
If you have a change in your student's normal dismissal routine, please send in a note or email. We must have something in writing.
A big Falcon Pride shout out goes to our service personnel at Flatwoods Elementary. Thank you all for your effort and the amount of teamwork you display every day to make our school great!
Picture Day is next week September 28th!
You should have received a Parent Information Guide and Daily Live Instruction Schedule. Please look in your student's folder for this. This is to be used if a Remote Learning situation occurs.