The Braxton County Board of Education, Sutton, WV invites proposals for audio and video equipment at Braxton County High School. The scope of services, submission requirements, timelines and the evaluation for the RFP are contained in the request for proposals on the Braxton County Schools webpage at . No responses will be accepted after January 10, 2024, at 1pm. All potential bidders must attend the mandatory walkthrough. Walkthroughs will be held on December 18 & 20, 2023. Proposals will be publicly opened on January 10, at 1:30pm at the Braxton County Board of Education Office. Our address is 98 Carter Braxton Dr., Sutton, WV 26601. Questions should be directed to Dr. Leatha Williams at 304-765-7101 x 473.
Braxton County Schools has Released a Request for Proposal for Audio & Video
December 8, 2023