The teacher recognition program is established for all Braxton County Teachers and designed to recognize excellence. This recognition is being supported by the Braxton County Rotary Club. A cash reward will be presented to the chosen nominee. An elementary and secondary teacher will be selected.
Teachers may be nominated for this award for their exemplary achievements or efforts in one or more of the following areas:
Impact-Continually makes an impact on students and others.
Motivation-Having the ability to motivate and encourage students to advance past
their expectations both academically and socially.Leadership-Serves as a leader throughout the school and community.
Creativity and Imagination-Demonstrates creativity and imagination in the
classroom and inspires students to learn.Academic Success-The teacher successfully demonstrates academic growth.
Complete the nomination form. Braxton County students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to submit nominations. Completed nominations should be returned to the Office of Accountability, Dr. Leatha William’s Office at the beginning of each nine weeks. These dates include January 22, and March 25. If mailing form, please send to Flora Cox, Braxton County Board of Education, 98 Carter Braxton Dr. Sutton, WV 26601, or email Nominations and supporting material will be reviewed by the committee, and the recipient will be announced at a Board of Education Meeting. All winners will be presented with a cash prize of $250.
The nomination form may be found HERE